
Show us what type of coffee you are!


Postby jennyffer777 » 11 Jan 2010, 02:48

Good day to all of you! Glad to be a new member here as I just started to get acquainted with coffee and would like to know everything you guys know about it. I am a kind of vampire, I guess; I'll suck all your knowledge, so be careful ;)
Coffee & Love Taste Best When Hot
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Re: Hi!

Postby michael » 11 Jan 2010, 03:32

Hey jennyffer777! Glad to see ya here! :ymhug:
Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with
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Re: Hi!

Postby maria » 14 Jan 2010, 05:18

Welcome abroad, Jen! Hope you like being here! :-)
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Re: Hi!

Postby ginga » 15 Jan 2010, 02:12

Hi Jennifer! I wonder how you could live without coffee so long? ;)
Caffeine isn't a drug, it's a vitamin!
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