Coffee facts

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Coffee facts

Postby SanchoPancho » 03 May 2010, 05:58

I wish to collect a world collection of the coffee facts!

I start:

At the age of 22, Russell Crowe moved from his native New Zealand to Sydney, Australia, where he worked, very briefly, as a waiter. One day, a customer (an American woman who Russell found extremely annoying) ordered a cup of decaffeinated coffee. She was soon dismayed to see her waiter appear with a rather unexpected beverage. "This," she peevishly pointed out, "is just a cup of boiling water." Crowe's reply (for which he was immediately fired)? "Lady, when we decaffeinate something in Australia, we don't f--- around."
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CrazyBaby » 04 May 2010, 03:47

Hm... Nice!

Coffee, introduced into Europe by Arabic traders, was considered by many Roman Catholics to be a drink of infidels. As its popularity spread and Venetian and French merchants began to import it, Pope Clement VIII was urged to ban it.
Clement, however, found it so delicious that he chose instead to baptize the beverage and, in 1592, issued an edict formally recognizing it as a "Christian" drink.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby paul77 » 05 May 2010, 04:00

Wow, nice facts about coffee, guys. I tried in vain to find something interesting on the web but all I've found is the common info we all know about it. Go ahead and share some more with us!
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby Nicky » 05 May 2010, 06:00

The oil magnate John Gates once placed an $11,000 bet with the wealthy John Drake (whose family had founded Drake University) that his bread, dunked in coffee, would attract more flies than Drake's. Gates won. It later emerged that he had added six spoonfuls of sugar to his coffee.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby killer666 » 17 May 2010, 03:27

Coffee consumption:
• Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide with around two billion cups consumed every day
• In 2007, consumers spent £720 million on coffee
• In the UK, we drink approximately 70 million cups of coffee per day
• 85% of coffee drinkers in the UK take milk in their coffee and 57% add sugar
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CoffeeLover » 21 May 2010, 04:53

Coffee like Cigarette
it is very good business!
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CrazyBaby » 02 Jun 2010, 04:58

bad facts:

** Drinking coffee increases the chances of getting heartburn or acid reflux, as well as osteoporosis.
** Coffee depletes your water reserves thus making you dehydrated.
** If you’re a regular drinker, you might experience headaches, irritability and body aches if you miss your daily cup.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby killer666 » 02 Jul 2010, 02:11

- The world record for most coffee consumption is 82 cups of coffee in 7 hours. I love coffee, but that might even be too much for me.
- In Staten Island, there’s a restaurant owner that drinks fifty cups of coffee a day.
- During World War II there was a coffee drinking competition between the branches of the military. The Marines claimed to drink the most – twenty cups a day.
- Coffee was so scarce in Germany that during WWII “coffee bombs” or bags of coffee were dropped from planes to turn the people against their government.
- The only place where coffee is grown in the United States is Hawaii.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CoffeeLover » 24 Aug 2010, 04:26

How do they drink their coffee?

The Italians drink their espresso with sugar, the Germans and Swiss - with equal parts of hot chocolate, the Mexicans - with cinnamon, the Belgians - with chocolate. Moroccans drink their coffee with peppercorns, the Ethiopians - with a pinch of salt. Coffee drinkers in the Middle East usually add cardamom and spices. Whipped cream is the favorite amongst Austrians. The Egyptians are extremely fond of pure and strong coffee. They seldom add sugar to it, nor milk nor cream. They serve sweetened coffee at weddings. Raw coffee beans, soaked in water and spices, are still chewed like candy in many parts of Africa.

Coffee drinking in the world:

The three biggest coffee drinkers in the world are the Americans, the French and the Germans. They consume some 65% of the total world's consumption of coffee. In the last three centuries, 90% of all people living in the Western world have switched from tea to coffee. Japan is now the third largest consumer of coffee. They even know to improve their skin, and reduce wrinkles, by bathing in coffee grounds that were fermented with pineapple pulp. Amazing! Beats mud-bathing. Caffeine is on the International Olympic Committee list of prohibited substances. Athletes who test positive for more than 12 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter of urine may be banned from the Olympic Games. This level may be reached after drinking about 5 cups of coffee.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby DarkRoastJack » 26 Aug 2010, 03:17

In the United States and Europe, more coffee is consumed than water. Can you believe this??
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby DecafMom » 27 Aug 2010, 06:25

I found this one:

Coffee has fascinated humankind for centuries, and apparently monkeys too.
The Formosan Rock Monkey is a coffee addicted little creature. These little monkeys eat ripe coffee berries and spit out the beans. Farmers then gather the beans to roast and make into a unique and delicious brew, which sells for over 50 USD a pound and is said to taste like vanilla.

Apparently a farmer noticed one of the monkeys spitting out the beans and he decided to try to collect them and process them and see what happened.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CoffeeLover » 02 Sep 2010, 23:37

Coffee Breath

Sounds a little strange given that coffee, which has a dehydrating effect in the mouth, can make someone’s breath smell, to honest, not so good. But new research from Israel has turned up a coffee extract that can inhibit the bacteria that lead to bad breath. This surprised even the researchers. Expecting to find that coffee did indeed cause bad breath, they found instead some components in coffee that actually inhibit bad breath. Prof Mel Rosenberg, the lead researcher, now aims to isolate the bacterial-inhibiting molecule in coffee. If he’s successful, it could result in a whole new class of mouthwashes, breath mints, and chewing gum.

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Re: Coffee facts

Postby CrazyBaby » 09 Sep 2010, 03:00

Don't worry. You know that it is necessary to ruminate Dirol or Orbits after meal :d :d :d
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby LucyCB » 21 Mar 2012, 06:38

I don't know if you know it, but coffee was first discovered by a goat! To be more specific, it was a young goat herder called Kaldi in the 9th-century who noticed that his goats acted strange when they ate the cherries from the coffee tree so he tried them for himself. This story does not show up in chronicles until the 16th-century but I like it!
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby MoffeeCoff » 22 Apr 2012, 21:37

Great resources and knowledge have been shared here. I am impressed with the discussions going on and would like to add some more facts. Coffees are classified according to the regions or the place of origin. The tastes and aroma of these java blends are majorly dependent on the country from which they come from. Some of the most renowned regions or countries known for high grade java include Columbian regions, Kona, Java and Jamaican Blue Mountain. Thanks a lot for these great discussions.. :)
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby LucyCB » 08 May 2012, 00:09

MoffeeCoff, thank you for contributing!
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby Demitasse » 15 May 2012, 13:01

The way coffee beans are prepared and quaffed now was originated in the 15th century in Yemen.

Coffee is considered to have been discovered in Ethiopia, but no one thought to make a drink out of it until the Yemenese got their hands on it.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby Kristin » 15 May 2012, 20:08

All of the world's coffee grows between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Also, coffee is traded more than anything else in the world, except oil.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby Beans » 17 May 2012, 04:37

Coffee grows on trees that can grow to be over 30 feet tall and is actually the seed inside the cherry like fruit that the tree bears. The fruit is cleaned off to reveal the tiny green seed or coffee bean.
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Re: Coffee facts

Postby Buzzy » 22 May 2012, 12:31

That is a pretty funny story about Russell. It reminds me of the first job I was ever fired from: I talked back as well!
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