Great Men and Coffee

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Great Men and Coffee

Postby peter » 11 Aug 2010, 03:36

I've learned recently that Johann Sebastian Bach was inspired to compose the Coffee Cantata, about dependence on the beverage. Who else from Great people you know who was either a coffee addict and dedicated some of their works to this beverage or were inspired by coffee and wrote something great?
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby maria » 13 Aug 2010, 03:26

Hi, Peter! Nice topic, we even have an article dedicated to this subject - I welcome everyone from this forum to follow, it's very interesting!
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby michael » 18 Aug 2010, 03:50

Did you know that:
The French philosopher Voltaire reportedly drank fifty cups of coffee a day
Bach wrote his Kaffee Kantate as a tribute to his favourite drink
Sir Francis Bacon once said of coffee “The drink that comforteth the brain and heart and help digestion”
Verdi was quoted as saying “Coffee is balm to the heart and spirit”
Sir James Mackintosh, the philosopher, once said “the powers of a man’s mind are directly proportionate to the quantity of coffee he drinks”

These facts are less or more known to the public at large but I thought you'd like to know that coffee has always been important in people's lives :-)
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby morning buzz » 23 Aug 2010, 06:20

Wow! Fifty cups of coffee per day is really a lot of coffee. How much coffee would you say you drink? I know I don’t drink even half that. I do have to have at least one cup. I usually drink about 3 or 4 cups. Wow!
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby Robusto » 25 Aug 2010, 06:00

michael wrote:Did you know that:
Sir James Mackintosh, the philosopher, once said “the powers of a man’s mind are directly proportionate to the quantity of coffee he drinks”

I wish it was really so, lol... This rule seems to not work in my case 8-| ;))
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby percival » 23 Dec 2013, 07:38

Well,I don't know any great man who doesn't or didn't drink coffee in his/her life. Only if he's from England. ;)
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Re: Great Men and Coffee

Postby jesse » 28 Mar 2014, 06:44

peter wrote:I've learned recently that Johann Sebastian Bach was inspired to compose the Coffee Cantata, about dependence on the beverage. Who else from Great people you know who was either a coffee addict and dedicated some of their works to this beverage or were inspired by coffee and wrote something great?

Wow! Didn't even know that, thanks for the info. :d
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