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Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2010, 16:18
by Icemocha
I watched this one episode of "1000 Ways to Die" (it is a bit grotesque sometimes), where one lady died when she drank too many energy drinks while she was raging at her boss. I was wondering if the same situation would have happened had she been drinking a lot of coffee instead.

After all, doesn't coffee do the same thing that energy drinks do? They have caffeine, and you could possibly put a lot of sugar into a cup of coffee. Would drinking too much and getting too much caffeine in your system cause you to die under heightened states of stress?

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2010, 04:19
by maria
Anything could cause your death, Icemocha: from bread to nuts, etc. ;) But I don't think coffee is as harmless as energy drinks are. It is a natural product, as opposed to energy drinks, and can only cause you some trouble when taken in great quantities, but that can happen with any other product.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2010, 00:18
by sweetener
Everything that is taken too much can harm you. If you are diabetic and you added so much sugar in the coffee then that can surely kill you.

About 1000 ways to die, sometimes I think some of those stories are just urban legends and not really the truth.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2010, 07:05
by Nicky
cant if it is in small quantity!!! in quantities it is always bad

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2010, 12:35
by Icemocha
But what defines too much in coffee drinking? How many pots per day would be considered too much and actually dangerous for your health? For example, my grandparents drink nothing but coffee. They drink at least three full pots a day. I don't think it's healthy but I've yet to see them suffer from drinking that much per day.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2010, 01:35
by CoffeeLover
Absence of coffee can kill ;) ;) ;) :-h \m/

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2011, 04:37
by Nicky
CoffeeLover wrote:Absence of coffee can kill

YES!!! you are right 100%!!!

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2011, 20:08
by JavaJunkie
maria wrote:Anything could cause your death, Icemocha: from bread to nuts, etc. ;) But I don't think coffee is as harmless as energy drinks are. It is a natural product, as opposed to energy drinks, and can only cause you some trouble when taken in great quantities, but that can happen with any other product.

That's right Maria, too much water can kill you too. It's all about moderation. And moderation... when it comes to coffee, is definitely not fun. :YMDEVIL: But, caffeine can surely speed up your heart rate if you drink too much of it.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 29 May 2011, 11:19
by starbuck
Sure, as mentioned water can kill you by flooding the cells and causing a burst. Anything can kill you if you overdo it, including coffee. That's why I suggest that you don't drink more than 2-3 glasses of Coffee at once simply because it can really get your heart going at a fast pace, especially if you are already overweight or obese.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2011, 05:22
by Vulcanit
Anything can kill you, it is important to be moderate and not to think about what can kill you too much ^)

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2012, 05:33
by Philip
Well, for me, death is not all about the food and drink we take. If it is your time, then death will come. The reasons why the persons died are only the instruments to know what the causes of their death are. Everything has its advantage and disadvantage, so I don’t believe that coffee can kill you.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2012, 02:34
by LucyCB
I've just imagined a horror movie with the title 'Killer Coffee' or something like that, that would be hilarious! :)) Honestly, how can you drink coffee and think something like that? :)

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 09 Jan 2013, 07:44
by Roberta
Why would it kill you? Does it have some poison in it or anything else? ;)

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2014, 19:01
by stephen12
I believe that coffee can't kill. The doctor or somebody may say that coffee is the reason why 1 or many persons died, but it is not true. Maybe it is an instrument so that somebody can tell the cause of his/her death, but without a doubt, the moment his/her die, it is his/her time.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2015, 05:38
by jimmyjim1299
I definitely agree with some of you here that it is the lack of coffee that can actually kill and not otherwise. I've seen people becoming more energized from coffee and also read about it. It is true that when you 'drink lots of coffee you do stupid stuff with more energy' and this stupid stuff can get you killed probably, not the coffee itself.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2016, 15:04
by DarrylSpiers
No no coffee never kill everyone because i think coffee is best thing for your life. I also like to drink coffee. So never say that again that coffee kill anyone.

Re: Can Coffee Kill You?

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2016, 20:06
by polyblend
quite hard to die like that before you just puke or shit in your pants, coffee is not cocaine you won't overdose on caffeine