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Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2011, 15:15
by DecafMom
Do you use flavored creamer? If so, do you use powdered or liquid? I usually get the powdered because it doesn't have to be refrigerated, but occasionally I splurge and get some liquid.

Re: Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2011, 18:20
by LottaLatte
I use to use the flavored creamers until I discovered the secret to all those delicious Starbuck's delights: syrups! I now use syrups, such as DaVinci or Torani, instead of traditional flavored creamers. They last forever, they taste better, and they have the best sugar-free flavors! Try Torani's sugar-free Cinnamon Dolce if you get the chance. Delicious!

Re: Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2011, 08:39
by Dixie06
I try to stay away from the powdered and liquid creamers. If I want to add a certain taste to the coffee, I do what LottaLatte suggests and use the syrups. Most days, I use regular milk and sugar in my coffee.

Re: Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013, 05:18
by michael
I think it has a lot of chemicals in there. I would be scared of adding such thing into my coffee mug. :-o

Re: Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2014, 04:37
by melissa
I like it liquid, it is much tastier than the dried one.

Re: Flavored creamer - powdered or liquid?

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2014, 06:45
by jesse
Always liquid when at home and powdered while camping, it is so convenient :-bd .